Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Many days had gone past since the seeker last poured out what was in ,
and hence aloof he had become from what was within.
Oblivious to the innate cries,
he walked in search of glories which evaded his eyes.
He journeyed on many paths not knowing where it lead,
but he continued to tread.
He was on one such journey with a begining 4 years back and its end nearing ,
and by not knowing where his next path is ,he began to fret and wanted to cease the purposless wandering.
He wanted to rend the veil over his life to know his destiny, but not knowing how.
To seek a seer to reveal his path ,now became his vow.
In vain were his endeavours , as nobody or nothing could give his life a perfect mould.
Defeated he was as the seer never was to be found and thought, to the world he has been sold.
Struck with sorrow, he started reminscing,bringing forth his memories and experiences.
Slowly as these thoughts enveloped him,he unveiled life's incospicuous nuances.
He realised that his journey with a plethora of experiences, good and bad ,was showing him glimpses of his way,his path, teaching,guiding him and showing him his purpose but slowly. His experiences were giving his life a shape. He had the questions as well as the answers.
Rejoiced he was,as he was begining to understand, in the seeker lies the seer and and in the seer lies the seeker.


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