Saturday, March 25, 2006


I wandered in desolation , after being derelicted to seek my purpose, my quest,my dharma. Okay, i was actually cribbing about all the flaws i breathe with and all those circumstances i had been put through , and there by started questioning the almighty, actually to look at it from another angle ,i was actually questioning some idols and basically my myself....lunacy!!.Anyway by some quirk , i started stumbling into some bedazzling claims.Okay, you are not going to believe the words which are typed ahead, which fundamentally might be profoundly inane or the quintessential truth!!
Well a considerate amount of people believe that our world, yes ,the reality you percieve,the place which u might either love or hate which ofcourse is directly proportinal to your experiences and by some chance the money u have, is nothing but an illusion or to stick to my roots..."MAYA"!!What the fuck??- that was my very decent reaction to this seemingly preposterous claims! I wanted to blast those wazzocks,or perhaps very intelligently decpetive vice people who are just marketing their shit to get some money.Hey , but whoever these guys are,they are pretty good cause their words had roused enough intrigue in me or perhaps i am just easy to excite(true in all cases)!
So, there i started my endeavour to uncover,demask,unearth whatever that we were looking for or rather what i thought everybody was looking for...THE UTIMATE TRUTH...but who knows it could even be the penultimate! What do i get?? the same...highly obscure stuff( to my comprehending abilities)! Common, how can i be the soul??with an ulterior motive and with infinite past lives manifesting my experiences to add to the experience of the higher soul who i am a part of!! and to add to this mumbo jumbo,- ego ,desires and someother shit is brought into the picture. Okay , totally bemused i tentatively approached other unknown territories relating to this ultimate truth or whatever. Astral , well thats one thing which was so far fetched, i initially considered it bullshit and even pondered on fantasising my own alternative speculations to con the gullible wussies and somehow get rich!!Fortunately, that wasnt the case, i ventured deeper till i reached the vortex of this new definition to life!.
So there i was, totally worried about my sanity wondering about my so called reality!!. As i dwelled deeper into the astral concept and from this concept to other concepts, things were becoming clear or ofcourse there is always the possiblity that i was becoming dopey!!Well anyway , with the advent of this new cognizanze and some strange experiences, i started believing it!! The experiences, well perhaps could have been just mental projections due to a overstressed life , but anyway like i mentioned ,things were immaculate enough ! What the fuck is this Astral..u ask???well basically its something which describes the actual world u are living in, itseems there are many more planes of existence and u can tune in to any of these other planes provided u have the skills!!But mainly it revolves around the inrticate spiritual notions .To a large extent it is plausible!!...well that was what i thought!Anyway google search it and u will come with some interesting information or check out the forums in
So, with full josh, totally invigorated, i proceeded to the next phase, that is learning the skills to astral project to other realms and learn the higher things beyond life( well this in hinduism is known as samadhi( i think)...)..anyway with total perseverence i attempted ,attempted and fatefully had some very strange lucid dreams and vivid experiences!..well thats where i got till and havent proceeded further! in vain i dropped it and started wondering about its authenticity and even dismissing my experiences as my abberations(which again is a possiblity...which worries me...anyway from the looks of all the forums i have visited..i am in a major crowd and some people seem even worse than i am).Well another thing which amazed me is the strength of positve thinking and affirmations. Wait , howz that supposed to be amazing??well it kind of is, if u accept this spiritual world and keep aside science for some time!! anyway this is how it works in a nutshell..- your reality is based on your thoughts, your thoughts affect you in a subconscious level and through these subconsciousness and metaconsciousness u construct your experiences!! in simple words...u attract what u think!!...Highly unbelievable???..yeah, but i was highly moulded to accept this!!..but dont worry i had a little amount of skepticism around me....which i guess is the reason for my failures..again a probability.
SO whats the point in typing these inconceivably dubious stuff?? well actually to come to think of it...only to start with something in this blog of mine!!..Anyway just to conclude, i will type in this- All this could be an incredible hoax to mystify everything around us to an extent to which we get choused and start buying their outlandish products or this very well could be the answer to everything!!
btw.....this might seem to be highly void, anyway intrigue yourself by doing some browsing and u will find it interesting to learn that there are institutes which coach you for this. The Pentagon also employed or researched TRV( terrestral remote viewing) which to some extent is similar to the astral. So its not something to be dismissed so easily especially when we are in the midst of so many prophecies which predict the impending doom or the golden age( according to the mayans and even the revered saints of these days).....LETS BE OPEN AND NOT PAROCHIAL!!!!


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